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Racing Teams app

Race engineering and Logistics software for your team

Standardization and automation of all track functionalities, bringing Motorsport in cloud.

It's cross-platform and dedicated only to team managersengineersdrivers and mechanics.

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All Motorsport in Cloud

Vehicle Data Management

- Sessions planning and tracking 

- Box automation and mileage update

- High-level encrypted communication

Team & Personal Logistics

- Synchronized calendar

- Customized inventory
- Job offers and shop

Championship Interface

- Track procedures automation
- Database system

- Forums section

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Proudly selected for
Motor Valley Accelerator 2022 Program



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Pre-seed plus
Regional Call


Multi-Disciplinary Team

Our team is made of professionals from different backgrounds, mixing experiences gained in the world of Motorsport, Project Management, Software Development and Product Design aiming to improve the performance of racing teams!

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Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

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Co-Founder and Chief Tecnical Officer

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C0-Founder and Chief Designer Officer

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Co-Founder and Senior Developer

Prova app

Keep in touch!

If you want to know the Financial & Business plans discovering all the project details to be part of Racing Teams, please fill the form below:

*By clicking this button, you agree to be contacted by Racing Teams app S.r.l.; your data will not be processed for any other reason.

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Racing Teams app S.r.l.

©2022 All rights reserved.

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Registro Imprese: Roma

C.F. e P.IVA 16766351007
Capitale Sociale 10.000,00€

Via di Affogalasino n.34

00148 Roma (RM)

Any reference to real people or to historical events is purely fictitious.

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